Related Searches is a product feature which helps improve internal linking for enterprise SEO.
Links, whether they be internal or external, are one of the most important signals to Google and other search engines. Links indicate which page is the best answer for a search intent.
Many different keywords can express the same search intent, so we cluster keywords accordingly. Total demand is the search volume of an intent.
We cluster keywords into sub-intents and show the total demand for each. One way to think about search intent is all the keywords for which a page might rank.
We check for which sub-intents a page does not get much traffic and where the page does not target that sub-intent. These
opportunity intents
can add incremental unbranded organic traffic.
When we link through a page, we generally use the main intent as anchor text to link. Pages with more demand get more internal links. For a proportion of these, we also use opportunity intents.
We should take the intent of the main keyword of a page as the intent of the page. When we link, we link with anchor texts which are distributed across the main keyword and opportunity keywords.
The main intent is still the dominant way users think of a page, but this extra anchor text diversity increases the number of pages which rank for lots of higher demand intents.